Janet Vargas
Independent Natural Health Researcher
Hi Friends, to let you know a little about myself, I grew up in a nice little beach town in Australia near hills and country. I have also lived on a beach front closer to the city and have been residing North East of the city for many years in an outer suburb where I have taken on my professional interests in the late 80s.
My interest in Natural Health goes back to the 1970s when I came across a book by Adelle Davis which helped me find a solution for my little boy who wasn't well for some weeks duration . At one time I was assisting someone in a Health Store and became very interested in Supplements. In 1987, I commenced to make up special Formulas, with the intention of making Therapeutic Supplements available to the public in Health Stores. Actually, I pioneered certain concepts and formulas for specialized supplements containing 'Herbs and Nutrients' together in the same formula.
That had not been done before. I also pioneered certain supplements for women, brain chemistry, vision and hearing and others, in my passion for Innovation to meet people's needs.
At that time, I met Australia's leading Herbalist who was a Consultant for a company called Greenridge Botanicals and ran the School of Southern Cross Herbalism in NSW that also taught about a certain class of special nutrients that naturally occur in our body known as Celloids or Cell Salts to most. They were the very ones I was using in my formulas (milligram doses not 3x and 6x). Dennis Stewart was his name. He was very interested in my story and said to me "I believe in what you are doing. Continue with it" and he wished me well.
I also met an associate of his, Jesse Sleeman, an accomplished Herbalist and Lecturer from England, I presented my formulas to go through on one occasion, who was very approving of my work and was pleased to endorse them when I was ready to make a move. We kept in touch for a time.
In the mean time, I was a little too trusting and shared a few formulas with a herbalist/naturopath who worked for a leading company in the manufacture of health supplements who was 'delighted' to hear about them and also someone who had distribution interests. Both these people pilfered three of my best formulas between them and they were on the shelves in health stores shortly after. Hence, my ideas and concepts were spread from East to West as it caught on like wild fire across Australia.
I was devastated on first sight of those three formulas (names, doses and all) on the shelves, saying to myself "oh no, by the time I raise capital for this, people will think I just copied them". A few weeks later, I considered that they would be benefiting from them and that's what I wanted.....that I could continue to make other formulas, and I did so....better ones.
It was then, that I took on a change of direction into avid Research and personal study of Herbs and Nutrients because my knowledge gained stirred me on to more! At one time, I seriously considered taking on schooling units of Herbology and Nutrition but someone who had experience in that area and owned a health store said "don't waste your time, you will know a little about a lot of areas and forget much of it. You are far better keeping to the areas you specialize in, you will know much more and this will benefit what you wish to do. Go with your vision."
At one time, I ventured into making certain blends of Essential Oils and Hydrosols (a fancy name for floral and fruit waters) and made presentations with them. But Research became my long-suit and passion. Although, I did some product development on a personal scale at one time to try certain formulas out. People I knew personally derived benefits from this. Certain results for things of serious nature and uncommon were somewhat astonishing.
Through the years, I've kept an active interest in making Natural Skincare preparations based on discoveries of some pretty unique ingredients. I like to keep a cutting edge in that area. For some years, at different times, I had various comments about my complexion - as I don't wear makeup personally, just a little color to give me a lift.
For hours, I would study of the day and evening. Also of the night sometimes, researching answers for those with special needs. On two occasions, I followed my instincts for a friend with Lymphatic Leukemia and another with Pernicious Anemia, Rheumatic Arthritis and a Germ in her system from overseas.
I felt to supply them with a few therapeutic herbs in liquid form - that was legal with those I knew 1st hand. In a short time, both these ladies exclaimed how they were feeling better and shared some remarkable changes in their blood-counts etc at the hospitals, and the staff had encouraged them to continue what they were taking - I suppose, thinking they had been to a Natural Therapist.
A passion in the areas of Anti-Aging and Brain Chemistry has been with me for many years in Research and Formulae. Also, specific properties in Healthy Foods (in addition to their nutritional profile).
Those are my favorites. Although, mind you_ I could have practiced my knowledge of Ant-Aging more had I not been so distracted with benefiting others with research and personal commitments.
In 2012, I rested from research work and took a complete break when unexpectedly, I experienced a new gifting from Jesus, of Inspirational and Nature Poems very much like the well loved Helen Steiner Rice following a 4 day trip in a beach/country area 5 hours away. Thought that I'd commence a website to share them called Inspirations for You. It was then, I realised that Peace and Happiness or Contentment is equally import for one's health as Nutrition and exercise.
You can visit if you wish to do so HERE
In 2014 I returned to Independent Natural Health Research, part-time, as I have ventured into Multi Websites which has become a passionate interest of mine. November 2021 was the 34th anniversary of my interests in Natural Health - Innovative Formulas and Research.
Thank You For Visiting Now To Be Healthy!