By Carly Fraser – Specialising in Neuroscience, Nutrition and Lifestyle
This Is What Your Food Cravings Really Mean
What do your food cravings really mean? Usually, when you crave something, that is your brain signaling that it is lacking a certain nutrient, and so it will automatically gravitate to the things that are easy, un-healthy and leave us wanting more (since the foods we often gravitate to will momentarily satisfy us, however, our brains will keep on firing, and telling us to eat more – since we didn’t give it the proper nutrients – which leads us into the problem of over-eating).
Our environment is also a major trigger for food cravings. Social situations, visual cues, and smells are ways in which we delve into our deep-rooted food desires. If you want to find ways in which you can battle your cravings successfully, then you need to understand what your brain is telling you it wants. Here is a guide which can help you achieve just that!

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How To Use Peppermint Oil To Stop Junk Food Cravings and Instead Burn Tons of Extra Calories
By Carly Fraser
Sugar addiction is real – and the science behind it goes far beyond tastebuds. There’s now compelling evidence that addiction to refined sugarOpens in a new window can be just as serious as addiction to hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.
While many people might disagree that sugar is an addictive substance, the negative impacts of it are evident. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and irritable bowel syndrome (to name a few) are some of the negative impacts of the unhealthy addiction to refined sugary foods.
Fortunately, we can easily kick our sugar habits by utilizing natural means. And it can be as easy as using peppermint oil to do so.
How Does Peppermint Oil Work?
As your body adjusts to a life without refined sugar, you can go through a number of different withdrawal symptoms, all the way from weakness to cravings or indigestion.
Peppermint oil has been found to significantly improve athletic performance, making people feel stronger and more “well” overall (1Opens in a new window). These effects are likely to extend to anyone who is struggling to overcome the effects of a substance dependency like refined sugar.
It also has an effect on blood pressure, heart rate, and even audio and visual reaction times, all of which can change when giving up refined sugar.
Peppermint oil has even been found to treat indigestion and stomach pain in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (2Opens in a new window). Stomach issues can arise when getting off refined sugar, as your body goes through an adjustment period, where you can feel less than your best (otherwise known as detox).
There are many sugar substitutesOpens in a new window that you can use that don’t involve the use of nasty chemicals (like many synthetic sweeteners do). Opting for fresh, ripe fruitOpens in a new window will also help satisfy your innate and very crucial need for glucose, a sugary compound our brains depend on to properly function.
By reducing your dependency on refined sugary junk food, you’ll also notice a smaller waistline. The benefits of eliminating or cutting down refined sugar intake are endless – and peppermint oil can help!
How To Use Peppermint Oil
You should never ingest peppermint oil – instead it can be used in the following ways:
1. Apply drops of peppermint oil to your temples and to the insides of your wrists.
2. Repeat the above every morning and evening.
3. Inhale the peppermint oil directly by using a diffuser.
You can find the Essential Oil Diffusers in some Pharmacies or Amazon Online.
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